Sunday, March 20, 2011

He said “Mama”!

Just now, did you hear that cry? That’s my precious Little Guy. He’s been blessed with good, strong lungs For a baby still so young. Quiet days have disappeared. Babbling gurgles now I hear. Shrieking, too, seems quite a joy, To this bouncing baby boy. Listen harder, then you’ll hear, He said “Mama,” nice and clear. It’s the first time that I’ve heard. Baby uttered his first word! Ni’ni, gawggie, ball and bye, Baby words, soon set aside. Constant chatter fills the air Echoes of the words I’ve shared. Everything expressed by me Becomes his reality. What he’ll be in days to come Starts with words from my own tongue. Kind, humble, respectful, wise, Playful, funny—all advised. Such words convey character, Noble virtues, to be shared. Harsh or bitter, both destroy. Ridicule will steal his joy. I’ll show him through loving speech Qualities that can’t be breached. Give him strength, empower, too! Time is short, the days are few! Soon he’ll greet a trying world That would see his spirit quelled. Words are vital factors, yes; Proper attitudes, no less. Side by side, they’ll do him fine. Little Guy will surely shine. I once witnessed a rather heart-breaking event. I was in the grocery store, standing next to a cart with a one year old boy occupying the child seat. I smiled and said something meant to extract a smile, but his response just about curled my ears. I was extremely glad he was too young to actually speak, for he began vehemently spouting off the must vulgar stream of babbling, complete with facial expressions and hand gestures,that you can imagine. Even sadder, 10 minutes later when I passed by him a second time, he started up again, and I continued to hear his little voice until I left the store. Sadder still, his Daddy didn't seem to have a problem with it. In fact, he hardly seemed to notice. I can only pray that someone takes the time to show this little one the love he deserves, and to shower him with words that will nurture his hungry heart. Photobucket


  1. Love you new blog! Grabbed a button and will put it on my blog!

    Enjoyed reading your posts! Great wisdom!

  2. Thanks, Rita. I want to grab your button, too, if you have one.


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