Sunday, July 1, 2012

The Christian's Tools for Evangelism

I have recently been introduced to an wonderful organization that has been around for over a hundred years. What can I say -- I don't get out much. :-) It has impressed me so much, I would love to share a bit about it with you.

Have you ever seen an electrician in action? How about a mechanic? They’re people with a job to do, a job they can handle because they have the tools they need to accomplish the task. As Christians, we have been given a job to do. The Great Commission directs us to take the Gospel to the lost. That’s a mission that can become complicated, because many people don’t realize they need what we have to offer. Just like the electrician, and the mechanic, we need to fill our toolboxes with the right tools to ensure we can get even the complicated jobs done.

Pocket Testament League is a venerable organization that wants to supply those very tools. Established 119 years ago, their mission is to enable Christians to effectively share the Gospel. Through the years, they have found creative and financially responsible ways to do that. As expected of any vibrant enterprise, they have a well developed website. is the link to this Christian worker’s tool crib paradigm.

Evangelism needs to be approached from various perspectives, in order to reach people where they’re at. The tools offered at PTL help to accomplish that. Evangelism Boot Camp provides 92 Ways to Share Your Faith; and Top 40 Ice Breakers. Five Reasons to Read the Bible will give the witness excellent support for conversations with those who are seeking hope. God’s Plan for Your Life is a small group study that speaks to the individual, with lessons that explore: God’s Peace, Purpose, Protection, Provision, and Power for Your Life.

The ultimate evangelism tool is always going to be God’s Word, and PTL makes unique editions of the Gospel of John available. Are you hoping to speak to someone in the medical profession? There’s a version meant just for them. An athlete? A stay-at-home mom? A writer? There are dozens of choices, in three languages, and several versions. You select the ones that would be of most use to you in your circle of influence.

The free membership offers the opportunity to receive a regular dose of encouragement, in your in-box, in the form of Free Daily Devotionals. Timidity can develop into passionate confidence through the Free Evangelism Training, or the self-paced study of Jesus’ ministry, The 21 Day Challenge.

When you need the services of a plumber or a mechanic, you want to have confidence in his work. You look at his past performance, and you talk to previous customers. PTL delivers those assurances right there on the website. You will find a timeline which highlights many of their contributions over the years. You will find testimonials from many who have benefitted from their services.

These examples are only the beginning. You will find so much more by following this link: The most important thing you will find is valuable support you need in order to do your part in making an eternal difference in the lives of others.


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