Who hasn’t shared at least part of their life with a dog? If you believe the movies and books, it is sure to be a life-altering, positive experience. Somehow, that’s not the way it has worked for me.
My first dog was a little lady terrier with the unfortunate name of Butchie. She was a formidable bundle of untamed energy. That served her well in our household of untamed little boys who showed little affection toward her. She, in turn, showed little for them. Butchie survived their wild antics because she was wild herself. Her favorite activities were licking faces, and jumping up on people that wanted nothing to do with her. That was deceptive, though, because she wasn’t interested in bonding or pleasing humans. I don’t believe she saw people as anything more than a source of food and water. She once stole and ate half of a three layer cake in less than two minutes. When she ran off and got herself in the family way, she acted like it was our fault.
Fluffy was an adorable black miniature poodle that refused to be trained in any way. Maybe that wasn’t entirely his fault, for he came into a busy household that had little time for him. Hungry for attention, he resorted to tearing things up when left alone. My black leather recliner fell victim to one of his piques, ending Fluffy’s tenure in our family.
Lizzie and Laddie were litter mates with an obvious spaniel background. Lizzie was all black with a frizzy coat that may have indicated a vitamin deficiency. The disgusting habit she refused to forsake, which, in the name of common decency, I will not reveal, reinforced that assumption. But she was smart. Well, except for her self taught means of communicating that she had to potty. Standing by the back door in the laundry room, far removed from the rest of the household, didn’t always accomplish what she meant it to.
Her brother, Laddie, was beautiful, with his classic Springer Spaniel markings. Unfortunately, all he had to offer was a pretty face. He wouldn’t be house-trained, nor would he learn to walk on a leash. He never even learned his own name. He did offer us a bit of a chuckle, though when he lay on the floor with his head resting in his food bowl as he ate. Can you say “Lazy”?
Do you see a trend here? The dogs in my life have done little to earn a spot in my heart. I know, they have their good points, but I think I will pass on bringing anymore into my home.
Although I don’t have any animals right now, I do live with some that are part of my son and daughter-in-law’s family. Next time, I’ll tell you about their little Max.
Did you create that picture of Lad eating lazily from his bowl? :) That's great! Josefine likes looking at those photo albums you put together for Jim. She is very eager to announce when she reaches the pages with "IZZY! AD!" on them! She also makes sure we know when she sees "Grampa Jack!" and follows that announcement w/ "A HUG AND A KISS!" :)